All I have to say is USHERS and CHRIS BROWNS can be manufactured in studios everyday but there will never ever be another MIChAEL JACKsON!! He was the most unique star. period. he created his own style. dance. look. image. life. he had a heart of gold. They tried to destroy him but GREATNESS can not be destroyed. MJ was timeless. he will be greatly missed but I sincerely think he is in a better place now. I can imagine all the little children in heaven running to him as he arrives. He would never hurt a child. He was a child himself. He had mental problems. He never got to be a child as a child so he chose to be one as an adult. I understood Michael Jackson. I am so glad he can rest now and not be tortured by accusers and defamation. I pray in heaven he loves himself. That was his number one issue; he hated his looks but little did he know it never mattered what he looked like on the outside because inside he was pure and he was beautiful inside and he did so much for the children and entertainers of this world..
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