On the pulse of the morning I see a new dawn
A new new day has finally come on
I am so elated
I can hardly find words
I am crying this moment
I am indeed unnerved
Its a special time
Its a joyous hour
I cannot believe Barack Obama has been given this power
His wife is Michelle Wow she is as black as me
And those sweet little girls Sasha and Malia
I cant believe it. Is it a dream?
Is it real?
I can barely describe the way I feel
It's been a long time coming
It's been a long time coming
But CHANGE is finally here
I see you smiling. Obama, Oh joy!
Your grandmother blessed you when you were a boy
You are so pleasant, so cool, so wise
I see a beautiful future for America in your eyes
You are such an inspiration
Such a melody of peace
A smile so promising
A word so sweet
I am almost breathless
I have been giving an unthinkable wish
I never thought it would happen
Truly I never imagined this
A sweet sweet victory for democrats, for Black people, for America, for the world
The red white and blue of the flag unfurls
For you, For us, For the dream
In DC. Full Capacity. Many smiling faces. In awe. Black&White. Goodness abounds.
I haven't written a poem in a very long time
But today this is the best way to let you know what is in my mind
I am so elated
I am so happy
So surprised
God has orchestrated this day to come at this time
In honor of my grandmother
In honor of the slaves
The sharecroppers
The soldiers
The lives lost
The Katrina victims
The September 11 victims
The fire fighters
The Red Cross
In honor of all the families who have suffered or lost
This one is for you
I am so glad to have you Obama
President Obama
Thank you restoring hope to the hopeless
You are so pleasant, so cool, so wise
I see a beautiful future for America in your eyes
Welcome, Obama family!
This one is for you
This is not a dream...It's a dream come true