The crowd was so loud, I am sure people probably heard us across town. It was as if Jesus himself had made a surprise appearance. People were crying, wailing, shouting and stomping. It was like a big bomb filled with hope, love and joy had dropped.
I still cannot tell you exactly what it was was probably equal to the terror of the moment when that second airplane crashed into the 2nd tower in NY. IT WAS THE SURPRISE OF ALL SURPRISES. It was the best Christmas gift. It was so fulfilling. It was something that puts a permenant smile on my heart. I love that man. Wow, and I love our creator. And AMERICA!
I am so OVERJOYED and PROUD to be a citizen of a country such as this. Obama will you marry me? Will you hug me with your smile? Will your policies embrace me and protect me as I age?
Obama, will you lead me to higher heights and brighter skies? Will you give the youth a new hero? It is a blessing and a miracle to be able to share a country with a force, a voice, a Christian such as you. MUAH!
It's a shame, I am in love with Michelle's man. God so loved the world that he gave us Jesus and Jesus so loved America that he gave us that man; Barack Obama.
Is that over-reaching? maybe. But the history books will say: In 2008 a beautiful"Change" came and the world has never been the same.

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